Pet-Agrees has been a life saver to us for the past 12 and ½
years. We have no children, our dogs ARE our children, plus they
are Therapy dogs now. In the beginning, I left three page letters
for one dog, now I leave a one page letter for three dogs and that
is mostly for medication. Deb and Tina do it all, from cleaning
up if the dog gets sick, to brushing out he dog daily (since mine
are Therapy Dogs it must be done) along with getting mail and regular
things a pet sitter would do. If we have an emergency, they have
always been able to accommodate us…even when
we were stuck on a cruise an extra two days because of a hurricane!!
Oh, then there was the time we came home from vacation at 3 a.m.
and had forgot our house key…we called Deb and she actually
met us half way with our key! As for Tina, we got home earlier than
expected one time and Tina had just come in…we cam in. Our
dogs could have cared less we were home; they were more interested
in Aunt Tina being there. Like I said after 12 and ½ years
of doing business with Deb and Tina they are part of our family
and we don’t trust any one else with our dogs when we go away!!!
Doug and Lynda Bailey
Therapy Dogs International, Inc.
Associate Member
"We feel like Deb and Heather are part of our family...and
they take care of our pups..just as they would their own!"
"They always give our dogs the same love and attention that
we do..with play time in the back yard, brushing, and of course
give them their favorite TREATS!"
"There is nothing like having peace of mind..when we get tied
up at work..or held up in traffic...we know they are just a phone
call away..and willing to come right over to take our pups out and
feed them for us."
"Pet-Agrees service far surpasses "personalized"
they have always been there for us during trying times too..offering
to help us out in any way they can...even with overnight
take off any added STRESS and ease our minds!"
We Love You!,
Susan, Steve, Ziggy & Maggie